"Precious Jade Quality"

With 30 years of experience in the jade and jewelry industry, our product consist of high-quality jadeite imported from Myanmar. Customers can purchase finished products or raw materials if wanting to customize. Our mission is to provide a platform where quality jade can find its owner.

We offer a variety of products at a range of prices, including luxury pieces.


Our journey began in 1982 as jewelry brokers commercing a variety of jewelry. Seventeen years later, in 1999, we started our own jewelry store called ‘Ar-Sew’ in Mae-Sai, Chiang Rai. In 2011 our name was changed to ‘Yok Dee Ja-learn’. Since 2009, we have participated in many world-class jewelry fairs including Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair and Hong Kong Jewelry Fair. We have decided to take our journey online with an e-commerce business called "Dalay Jewelry".